5 Steps To Modern Email Marketing

Published by BMT Micro on


With so many ways to communicate these days, it can be hard to keep up. Social media direct messages, tweets, comments, phone calls, and more can seem overwhelming. And while it is important to do your best to keep up with all channels of communication, there is one that often gets overlooked or misused: email. Avasam reported that there were about 3.9 billion email users in 2019, with an average of 293.6 billion emails sent every day. They also found that a 59% of markets found that they got their best ROI from email. To make email marketing work for you, ditch the old practices and implement some of these new techniques.

Don’t Have Boring Or Impersonal Subject Lines:

If you have a boring, impersonal, or “spammy” subject line, do not expect to have a high open-rate. Create subject lines that intrigue your customers and encourage them to open and read what you are sending them. For example, you can let them know about rewards they have earned, a flash sale, discounts on products they have purchased before, or new products you think that they would like. Even with automated systems, it is usually possible to include their name in the subject line, which will grab their attention. Depending on your demographic, you can even include emojis.

Do Have Mobile-Friendly Emails:

Many customers use email on their phones and even will enable notifications to ensure that they do not miss anything important. Having emails that are not mobile-friendly makes you look out of touch with modern technology, hurting your credit and puts you at risk to lose customers. When drafting emails on your automation service, check the mobile preview as well as the desktop preview.

Don’t Bombard Customers With Emails:

If you are emailing customers several times a day, they are more than likely going to get very annoying and stop responding to your efforts. Instead, pick several days a week to follow up with them or send them new offers. That way, they will know that when you send them something it is probably worth looking into. And always make sure that they have the option to easily unsubscribe!

Do Ask Permission To Send Emails:

Along with giving the customer the option to easily unsubscribe, make sure you give them the option to offer their email address in the first place. If you get their contact information without their consent or send them emails not relevant to their purchases without asking them first, they are going to seriously doubt your credibility. Not only is it annoying, but it also makes you seem desperate for business.

Do Create Quality Email Content:

Once customers give you their information, send them emails that are enjoyable for them. Plain pages with hard to read content isn’t beneficial for you or them. Use easy to read font, white space, and an appropriate amount of color to make it easy to read. Keep it conversational within the limits of your brand personality.

Despite all of the new ways you can communicate, email remains a classic and reliable channel. Keeping up with current email trends is a proven way to keep in contact with customers on their time. Look into your metrics to see what is and is not working for you, adjust your marketing strategy accordingly, and watch your customer base grow!

1 Comment

Sea · February 25, 2020 at 10:48 pm

Good tip. It’s help me so much. Thank you

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