Email Marketing For eCommerce

Published by BMT Micro on


Sending emails to your customers can be a great way to keep in touch with them. Although social media tends to get a lot of attention, emails are a classic and effective way to improve your relationship with your audience. Getting started with email marketing can seem like a big task, but breaking down the steps will help you craft the perfect email.

Start With The Subject:

If you do not write a compelling subject line, there is a good chance your audience will not even bother to open your email. Summarizing why you are reaching out in a subject line is a task many people struggle with, but it is very important. Think back on emails that have caught your attention, and emails that you haven’t even bothered to read. Vague subject lines don’t give your customer any insight into why you are reaching out, or why they should care, which means they are probably not going to waste their time opening it. Descriptive, personalized subject lines are attention-grabbing and spark their curiosity. You also want to make sure that your subject line isn’t too long, and is grammatically correct.

Stay Relevant:

Choose a short, appropriate greeting for your audience, and then introduce your purpose for the email. Depending on the nature of the email, you can write a couple of quick sentences, or give them a brief explanation of why you are reaching out before going into more detail. If you are sending out a newsletter, keep it brief enough that your customers will finish reading the whole thing, while still touching on important topics you want to share. If there is something you are sharing that you would like to go more in-depth on, include a link that your audience can follow to learn more.

Highlight Benefits:

You know how valuable the information you are sharing is, but your audience doesn’t (yet). A common mistake that people make is to highlight the features that a product or service offers, without adding the benefit to the customer. Letting your customers know what features you offer isn’t a bad thing, but save that for your product pages. People want to know what value will be adding to their lives by using your product or service, so offer that information to really grab their attention.

Show Your Personality:

Just because you are sending an email does not mean that you need to be formal. Use your usual brand tone to speak to your customers. If you tend to be silly or witty, stick with that. If you are more formal across your platforms and website, then keep that tone. You want your emails to stay in line with your brand personality, because that is one of the things that customers love about you!

Include A Call-To-Action:

Let your customers know what steps you want them to take after reading your email. Do you want them to check out a new product, or sign up for a membership with you? Whatever you decide to make your CTA, make sure that is it clear and easy to follow. Adding a button or a link next to your CTA makes it quick for customers to find a page you might be trying to direct them to and grabs their attention.

Writing emails can be a great marketing tactic and one that many businesses still use. There are many uses for email, so see what works best for you and your customers! With these tips and a little effort, you will be creating great emails in no time.

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