Introduction To Geo-Targeting

Websites allow people to access content from anywhere in the world. For some people, this news sounds overwhelming and scary. For others, it sounds like a dream come true. A small eCommerce company could reach a businessman in Europe or a small independent developer in Mississippi. Having a diverse group Read more…

All About Net Promoter Scores

  Being able to identify your customers, and their level of happiness with your company, can be extremely helpful in running a successful business. Tracking customer happiness, and the levels it goes up or down, might sound very abstract, but it is a powerful and measurable tool. Net Promoter Scores Read more…

Getting Started With Instagram Reels

If you’ve been on Instagram in the past year, you’ve probably noticed many users posting short, engaging videos. These videos, known as Instagram Reels, are a newer feature on the app, and one worth learning about. Although many users were unsure about Instagram Reels at first, they rapidly grew in Read more…