Copywriting 101

Selling products to customers online can be a tricky endeavor. Customers cannot touch, feel, or smell a product though the computer screen, so placing and order feels a little more risky that purchasing in person. They have to rely on copy to describe the product details to them, and persuade Read more…

The Basics Of Branding

  Building a brand is more than just selling quality products, or having a good marketing strategy. Running a solid business and building a reputable brand are two different accomplishments, and creating a solid brand has incredible benefits. Understanding branding, and learning the steps to create a brand, will help Read more…

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Chances are, when you started your business, creating a website was high on your priority list. Websites serve as an information hub for customers, and is probably the first place they’ll go if they are looking for information. Although some customers may stumble across your website on their own, driving Read more…