How To Write A Welcome Email Your Audience Will Love

Published by BMT Micro on

Keeping in touch with customers via email is one of the most effective ways to keep in contact with them. If they choose to subscribe to get updates from you, that means that they are on their way to becoming a loyal customer. Once they give you their contact information, it is important that you send them a welcome email to start off your new relationship and warmly greet them.

What Is A Welcome Email?

A welcome email is an email that you receive after you sign up or submit your email to an online store. Welcome emails are your chance to make a good first impression with your customers. They can include a video, an offer for being a new subscriber, or simply be a warm welcome.

How To Craft A Welcome Email:

The first step to crafting your welcome email is to come up with a compelling subject line. If your subject line does not grab your audience’s attention, then they will not open your email. Make sure your subject is clear and concise- if you are including a discount code or any other perks be sure to let them know!

Personalize your email by including the customer’s first name. Let them know how glad you are to have them, and thank them for their purchase. This does not need to be long, as shorter emails tend to perform better than longer ones.

Create a sense of urgency to encourage your audience to make a decision quickly. Send them a welcome offer that is only valid for a certain amount of time, or alert them to a popular item that’s close to selling out. Be careful not to overdo it on the urgency, or you risk coming across as a gimmicky sales pitch.

Include images and videos in your welcome email. You can include pictures of products, of your CEO, a website tour, or anything else you think your audience would enjoy! Adding images or videos makes your welcome email more visually pleasing and fun to read.

Add a call-to-action to encourage the customer to take the next step. This can be signing up for a loyalty program, following you on social media, or taking advantage of an offer.

What To Do Next:

After you send your welcome email, monitor your results. Are customers opening the email, or are they getting deleted unopened? Is your email helping with sales or social media following? If you don’t notice a difference, or you see a negative change, try running some A/B tests to see how you can reach your audience better. Plan your follow-up emails to encourage your customers to make another purchase with you, or incentivize them to share their experience with their friends. Keep in touch with your customers without being annoying or overbearing.

Welcome emails are a great chance to make a good first impression and start off your relationship on a good note. A well thought out welcome email can increase your returning customer rate and encourage them to purchase with you again in the future.


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