Creating Instagram Captions

Published by BMT Micro on

As anyone with an Instagram account knows, the platform goes much deeper than simply posting pictures. While posting high quality, cohesive pictures that align with your brand image is very important, there are other factors to consider to fully utilize the app. While Instagram is a visual platform, creating captions to go along with your images plays a huge part in engagement and overall success. Having a compelling caption encourages users to slow their scrolling and stop to read what you have to say, encouraging them to spend more time on your content. Before you start writing your captions, here are some tips to consider.

Include A Call-To-Action:

As someone who works in ecommerce or marketing, you know how important is is to creating a compelling Call-To-Action (CTA). Let the customers know what, exactly, is the point of your post, and what you want them to do. The best CTA’s are encouraging, fun, and designed to create dialogue and engagement between users. By Instagram’s algorithm, this will help boost your content by showing them that many users consider it relevant and quality. Some examples of CTA’s that you could include in your captions are visiting your website, shopping for a certain product on your website, taking advantage of a sale, sharing the post with a friend, or using a hashtag you’ve created. Asking users to tag you in photos, or using a hashtag, is a great way to get user generated content that provides social proof. Having user generated content and engagement will also bring your profile to appear as a “recommended account” to users that are not following you, allowing you to reach an even wider audience. Encourage users to take these actions by using phrases such as click the link in our bio, leave a comment, or tag a friend.

Use Hashtags:

Using hashtags is one of the most important things you can do when writing an Instagram caption. Create a hashtag special to your company, even if it is as simple as your name. Instagram (and other social media platforms such as Twitter) allow users to search via hashtag. Creating your own hashtag is a great way for users to see content that you’ve posted, as well as what others who are posting about you have to say. Check your competitors and influencers in your industry to see what popular hashtags are being used. This will help you ensure that you are getting maximum search results and boost your SEO. When using your hashtags, consider adding them in a comment right after you post your picture or adding a few lines of space so that your actual caption stands out and is easy to read.

Use Emoji’s:

Emoji’s are fun, eye catching, and help convey the emotions that you want your audience to feel. They can be a great way to split up longer captions, and make the sentences look more aesthetically pleasing. Emoji’s are a great way to emphasize certain points and add a tone of voice. Be cautious not to overuse emoji’s, and choose ones that are consistent and on point with your brand.

Add Value:

Give your followers tips and tricks, new ways to use your products, or share a fun fact. Although these seem like little things, it will encourage them to bookmark your post, and maybe even share your content with their friends. If it resonates with them enough they might even share it on their story!

Using words and images together is the best way to utilize all Instagram has to offer. Coming up with creative captions can be difficult, but it is worth the time you will spend in order to please your customers.


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Hashtag 101 | BMT Micro, Inc. · June 14, 2019 at 12:00 pm

[…] so you will want to be sure that you are using Twitter hashtags to your best advantage as well. Instagram is the easiest platform on which to abuse hashtags, as they are commonly used and allow brands to […]

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