How To Improve Your UX For eCommerce

Published by BMT Micro on

When customers shop online, they are looking for a seamless experience. Having your website set up so that customers can navigate with ease is a crucial aspect in making sales and retaining customers. Testing your user experience, or UX, helps you make sure that your customers are getting the best experience possible. If you haven’t tested your UX before, or need a refresher, here are some tips to get started.

What Is UX?

UX is determining what your customer wants, how you make them feel, and their overall experience with your brand. Making your customers feel good and confident about their purchasing decisions plays a big part in where they choose to spend their money. Taking care of your customers not only encourage them to stay loyal to you, but also to spread the word to others.

Review Your Website:

Keeping up with how your site is performing, and where you stand against your competitors, is important. Start by evaluating simple tasks on your site, and then compare them to a competitor. Even if you have better prices, or a more quality product if your site isn’t as good as a competitor’s you are going to lose business. Make sure that you clearly state who you are, why your products are valuable, and what you can do for your customers. The easier this information is to find, the better! If your competitors are out-performing you, take note of what they are doing differently to draw customers in, and how you can improve in those areas.

What To Test:

Testing your website can be a great way to assess your UX. There are several categories that can be beneficial to look into to make sure they are working smoothly. First, check out your CTA buttons. Make sure that they stand out enough that they are easy to find, without being pushy. You can also try testing different wording options such as “Buy Now” vs“Add To Cart”. See what language your customers best respond to.

Next, look at your pricing. Just because an item is priced lower doesn’t necessarily mean that it will sell better. Research pricing psychology and see if you can tweak your prices to make them sound more appealing to your customers. For example, an item listed at $14.99 is more likely to sell than one listed at $15. Additionally, if a product’s price seems too good to be true, customers might doubt the quality and choose to go with another option.

Check to make sure your copy is clear and concise. Look at your product descriptions, headlines, category descriptions, and anything else that is important for the customer to see and read. Using too much jargon or writing lengthy descriptions will scare your customers off, so make it easy for them to get the information that they want. Keep consistent with your brand voice, whether it is casual, formal, or silly to draw in your audience. If you decide to run a promotion, carry over the same tone and carefully decide your word choices.

Giving your customers a pleasant shopping experience does take some research effort, but is well worth it. There are many ways that you can improve your UX, so find what works best for you and your customers.


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rice purity test · November 6, 2023 at 8:41 pm

Thank you for sharing this useful article. You emphasized the importance of understanding customer needs, creating a seamless website experience, and testing various elements such as CTA buttons, pricing, and copywriting. Your post is very helpful.

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