Supporting Small Businesses

Published by BMT Micro on


Although parts of the world are cautiously starting to re-open, the impact of COVID-19 has been devastating to many small businesses. While some are managing to do alright in these challenging times, many others are worried they will have to close their doors for good. Small businesses are the heart of many towns and small cities, beloved by their loyal customers and a fun treat to visit for out of town guests. One of the most special parts of small businesses is the heart behind them- these owners care deeply about their company and their customers. Here are some ways you can support small businesses and help them keep their doors open.

Why Support Small Businesses:

Small businesses are not only unique and special to their local communities, but they also make up 44% of United States economic activity. Shopping at small businesses not only helps to stimulate your local economy but also allows you diverse options and makes your community unique. Often, local small businesses are filled with unique products, fresh food, and competitive pricing. One of the other perks is that often times owners and employees recognize repeat customers, and will make shopping at their store especially enjoyable for you.

How To Help Support:

Times are trying right now for businesses between trying to make sure their employees and customers are safe and able to get what they need. There are practices many of them are implementing ways to safely make purchases from them. One of the easiest ways to help support small businesses is to purchase gift cards from them for later use. They will get the money now to help them stay open, and you’ll get to look forward to shopping with them. You can even stock up on gift cards to give as presents for future birthdays or holidays.

Another way you can help is by ordering your products online. Some places offer free or discounted delivery, while others offer free curbside pickup. This allows you to support the businesses you love, while social distancing and minimizing contact. This method is not only easy to do, but it saves you time and helps keep employees and customers safe. It also is a good way to save some money since you cannot buy anything on a whim while browsing! If you have a favorite local restaurant or coffee shop, order takeout once or twice a week. Many places are offering a full or limited menu, so treat yourself to a good meal or cup of coffee. Make sure to leave a good tip!

If any of your favorite places are still open, be sure to spread the word. A simple social media post can do wonders for them by helping alert others that they are open and you are enjoying their products. Some of your friends and followers might not be aware of all of the places that are open, so let them know where they can get their necessities or fun treats and help drive business to the small stores.

Online ordering from your favorite eCommerce stores is a great way to get a little retail therapy! Look at small businesses who sell similar products to larger brands you might usually shop. They will be extra appreciative and are likely to have a more personable shopping experience. Small eCommerce business owners tend to have a passion for what they do, so you can expect exceptional quality as well.

Shopping small is always a good idea, but it is something to strive for even more in these uncertain times. While it might seem like you are making much of an impact, choosing where you spend your money can make a huge impact on the businesses that make up so much of our economy and communities. What are your favorite small businesses you support? Let us know in the comments!

1 Comment

Bilico Mien Nam · January 6, 2021 at 11:17 pm

This article is really useful for for my pool equipment business.

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