Our Favorite Social Media Platforms

Published by BMT Micro on

Social media is a fantastic way to connect with customers, build your branding, and have some fun. There are so many platforms available, it can be a little overwhelming to try to choose which ones to stay active on. Ultimately, only you know what is best for you and your brand, but if you are looking for new ideas, here are the platforms BMT Micro is on and why we love them.

Our Website:

While a website is not technically social media, it is an important aspect in building the rest of your platforms. The BMT Micro website helps serve as a “home base” for all of our other platforms. While you are on the site, you can find links to all of our active social media accounts, as well as information on our company. Getting more website visits is often a goal of social media pages, so make sure you keep yours up-to-date!


Facebook is a very versatile and widely-used, platform. No wonder we love it so much! If you are new to social media, Facebook is a great place to start. One of the most notable things about it is what a large demographic is on this platform. Unlike most other platforms, people of most ages, genders, and demographics can be found on Facebook. You can post pictures, videos, stories, create events, and much more, all in one place.


Instagram is another very popular social media platform. Instagram revolves around sharing pictures and videos, which gives you plenty of room to get creative! Many individuals and companies use Instagram to share new products, fun pictures, silly videos, or even helpful tips. There is no limit to what you can do, and the app makes interacting with your audience easy and fun.


Although Twitter is not a “trendy” new platform, there is still an active audience. We love Twitter because there is always something new to see! Twitter is a casual and fun place to post, with the feed constantly refreshing. Since tweets are very short and informal, it is an easy platform to keep up with. Interacting with your followers is easy, as is sharing content that you like!


LinkedIn is a wonderful professional resource, It is great for connecting with other professionals, sharing company updates, and scouting out potential employees. You can also find articles, videos, or online seminars from industry leaders about topics of interest, and can be a great place to learn new information! We like having the option to connect socially with people on a professional level, which is why we loved LinkedIn.


Pinterest is a go-to resource for many customers and a fun way for you to show off your personality. If you are interested in making a Pinterest account, it is a good idea to have a mixture of your own pins, as well as other user’s pins. The main goal is to have boards that your followers enjoy looking at. Create some boards that feature your products or anything that pertains to your company mixed with boards that are simply for fun (such as recipes, crafts, or fun pictures) for your best Pinterest success.

As you can see, we love all of these platforms for their different uses and audiences. Being on different platforms allows you to benefit in different ways, and makes you more accessible to your customers. If you are on any of the social media platforms above, we would love to connect with you! What is your favorite social media platform to use? Why is it your favorite?

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