LinkedIn Marketing For eCommerce

Published by BMT Micro on

When creating a content plan for social media, it is easy to overlook LinkedIn. Since LinkedIn specializes in networking and professional development, rather than entertainment, many businesses overlook the potential audience they could gain. LinkedIn boasts over 930 million members across 200 countries and is a great resource for building connections and broadening your audience. If you’re ready to get started with LinkedIn marketing, here are some tips.

Why LinkedIn Marketing?

One of the best reasons to market your company on LinkedIn is because it is tailored to businesses and professionals. When LinkedIn users scroll through their feeds, they are intentionally looking for information on businesses, other professionals, industry updates, and anything else that could help them in their career. LinkedIn is not a platform where users tend to mindlessly scroll, making it the perfect place to share anything going on with your business or industry. LinkedIn also encourages users with similar interests or industries to connect with one another, meaning many of your connections might not be people that you know in your personal life. This helps grow your network outside of your normal circle and helps you find other like-minded users.

How To Market On LinkedIn:

Marketing on LinkedIn looks a little bit different than marketing on other social platforms. Although it is a professional site, you do not have to be still or overly formal if that is not your usual brand tone. Professionals like to have fun too, just make sure that it is appropriate and relevant.

One of the easiest ways to get started marketing on LinkedIn is to use hashtags. Search for popular industry hashtags, or hashtags that will attract the audience that you want. For example, if you are sharing news about your eCommerce company, #ecommerce would be a good hashtag. Don’t over-complicate it! Typically 3-5 hashtags is a good number to get your posts seen by the right audience.

Switch up the length of your posts on LinkedIn. Sometimes, your audience is looking for a short and sweet post that they can quickly get through. Other times, they want more in-depth information. By providing a mix of both, you are able to grab your audience’s attention and encourage them to come back to your page when they are ready to learn more! Linking your blog posts or sharing articles from other pages that are relevant are also great ways to help educate and grow your audience. Having a mix of your own content has several benefits. First, articles that you find interesting or helpful (within reason) are likely going to be interesting or helpful to your audience as well. Second, this gives you a little bit of a break from creating content similar to what you are sharing. Lastly, sharing articles is one way to build connections, and you might even encourage others to share your articles in the future! Commenting on posts is another great way to get your name seen and join in on conversations.

Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is updated and customized. Although this might not seem like “marketing”, it helps keep your brand recognizable and lets customers know that you are active on the platform. Add in a profile picture (your logo works great for this!), a customized URL, and a cover photo. Every so often, check to make sure that your page is still accurate and make any changes you see necessary.

LinkedIn might not be the most exciting platform, but it is a great place to make connections and grow. Have fun with your LinkedIn account and share regularly for success!


geometry dash · October 6, 2023 at 5:05 am

Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is updated and customized.

doodle jump · January 4, 2024 at 4:10 am

Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is both up to date and uniquely tailored to your needs.

free games · June 4, 2024 at 3:29 am

LinkedIn can be an effective platform for eCommerce marketing, especially for reaching professionals and businesses.

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