3 Steps To Build A Buyer Persona

  One of the easiest (and biggest) mistakes a company can make is to dive into selling without figuring out exactly who they are selling to. Although it may seem like an unnecessary step, creating a buyer persona is key to helping you maximize sales and promote your company’s product Read more…

Retaining Your Holiday Shoppers

      The holiday selling season is a crucial time for businesses and each new sale is a big deal. However, holiday sales are traditionally viewed as one-time transactions, and few businesses put effort into winning holiday shoppers loyalty to retain them for the long term. As a result, Read more…

The Free Trial is Over, Now What?

Offering a free trial is a common Software as a Service (SaaS) marketing strategy. Most SaaS companies offer some type of free trial while others don’t. The strategy is only as good as how far it gets you with prospective customers. Unfortunately, you can’t rely on your free trial alone Read more…

Importance of knowing your customers

Many successful companies have one thing in common, they know and understand their target audience. In a previous blog, we discussed getting to know your millennial customers as a special audience due to their unique characteristics. In this posting, we will speak on a different aspect of knowing your customers. Read more…