How To Get Twitter Verified

  If you have a Twitter account, you have probably noticed that some profiles feature a blue badge with a check mark next to their name. This is an indication that the account is verified, signaling that they are credible and authentic. Sometimes individuals are verified, but often times it Read more…

Finding and Selling Trending Products

No matter how successful your eCommerce business is, sometimes it can feel as though you are stuck in a rut with your current products. The market is constantly changing, and your products should change reflect what your customers are looking for. While some products are timeless, finding trending products to Read more…

Intro To Influencers

  “Influencer” is a fairly new concept, and one that many brand and customers are still looking to define. If you are on any social media you have probably seen these seemingly normal people encouraging you to purchase a product they claim to love. But how does hiring influencers work, Read more…