4 Habits To Help You Stay Consistent With Content Creation

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Social media can be a great way to connect with your audience and promote your brand, but it can be easy to get sidetracked with other tasks and forget to post regularly. Although you do not necessarily need to be posting on your social media accounts every single day, showing up consistently helps you build credibility and foster your relationship with your audience. If regular content creation is something that you struggle with, here are some habits to help you stay on track.

Block Out Time:

If content creation is something new to you, or simply gets pushed to the back burner frequently, try setting aside a set amount of time where it is all that you focus on. Test out different lengths of time, amounts of time, and days of the week to see when you are feeling the most creative and productive. While you might need to create content outside of this window, choosing to focus on it during certain windows can help you get in the groove. For some creators, blocking off several hours once or twice a week gets them the best results. For others, 30-minute windows throughout the week allow them to create their best content.

Create Batches Of Content:

It is easy to only focus on what you need to do quickly, but creating a backstock of content can help you in the future. During your blocks of content creation time, or whenever you are feeling creative, make content that you might not need at the moment, but could use in the future. This can include any type of content you might be able to use next time you’re in a time crunch or creative rut! For example, if you are out and about and see something that you think might be good next time you make a TikTok or Instagram Reel, take a quick video and save it to a folder. If you are creating new graphics and have an idea for something that could be useful or entertaining, create it and save it. Making batches of content can really help you out when you are feeling busy or overwhelmed by doing some of your work ahead of time, and can even help re-ignite the creativity you were feeling when gathering and creating that content.

Write Down Your Ideas:

Great ideas do not always come when it is convenient for you. If you have an idea, write it down and come back to it later. Even if you think you will remember it, there is a good chance that you won’t. Jotting down your ideas doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Give yourself enough information that you are not confused when you come back to it, without writing down a detailed plan. Creativity can strike at any time- while you are at the gym, reading a book, or walking your dog- so make sure that you capture these ideas while they are still fresh.

Schedule Your Posts:

One of the simplest ways to keep consistency with your content is to schedule your posts. Scheduling is quick, easy, and helps ensure that all of your content posts exactly when you want it to. There are many content scheduling sites (we like Later) and some social media platforms even allow you to schedule through the app. Choose how often you want to start posting on each of your platforms and schedule a day and time for each post. Typically, you can track your analytics on social media content management sites, and some will even recommend the best time for you to post on each platform.

Staying consistent on social media doesn’t have to be difficult. Building habits like these helps you level up your content and make sure that you are keeping up with all of your platforms. What tips and tricks do you have for staying on top of your social media? Have you tried building any of these habits? Let us know in the comments!

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