5 Tips To Getting Started On Threads

Published by BMT Micro on


When Instagram released its companion app, Threads, it was all the rage. Although the initial buzz has worn off, Threads still boasts over 200 million monthly active users. Although Threads has many similarities to Twitter, it holds it own in the space of text-based social platforms. If you are thinking about getting Threads, or are unsure of what to post, here are some ideas to help you get started.

What Is Threads?

Threads is a text-based app by Instagram that allows users to share updates and start conversations. Threads allows photos and videos, but they are not the primary focus of the app. When users post a Thread, other users are able to like, comment, or re-post. Threads accounts are attached to Instagram accounts, and Instagram features popular Thread conversations in users’ Instagram feeds. Although the accounts are linked together, followers on Threads and Instagram are separate.

What To Post On Threads:

One of the best things about Threads is that there are all types of content and conversations, so you can’t go wrong. Using a mix of these types of content will help you start some conversations of your own!

1. Polls are an easy way to get the conversation started, especially if you are feeling unsure of what to say. When creating a poll, the possibilities are endless- you can ask your audience to vote on their favorite product or feature of yours, ask how they feel about industry news, or even just post a “fun” poll (their favorite fall flavor, for example). Polls can also help you by showing you your audience’s preferences.

2. Introducing yourself on Threads gives other users an idea of who you are, and what kind of content they can expect from you. This is especially helpful if you are new to Threads. Posting introductory content helps give your account a personal and authentic feel.

3. Asking questions that spark engagement is a fantastic way to help develop a relationship with your audience. You could ask for opinions or advice, post a fill-in-the-blank sentence, or spark a discussion about current news. Your questions do not all have to be related back to your business or industry- sometimes posting a fun question that people want to discuss is the best way to build engagement!

4. Join in on trends when you can! Like any social media platform, Threads users are always creating and participating in new trends. Joining in on the trends is not only fun but helps boost engagement by showing your audience that you are paying attention to what they like and what’s going on on the platform.

5. Re-purposing content for Threads helps get your content seen by a wider audience and saves you a little bit of time. Graphics, videos, or GIFs that you have made for other platforms can be re-used for your Threads, as long as you think it is something that you audience would like!

Threads is a fun app that doesn’t require too much effort but can yield big results. Keep track of what content your audience likes best, mix up what you post, and don’t forget to interact on other people’s threads as well! Are you on Threads? If so, give us a follow!

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