Why You Need an Elevator Pitch

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        Why You Need an Elevator Pitch - BMT Micro Inc.

Have you ever felt like a deer in headlights when someone asks you to introduce yourself and describe your work? What about when you meet someone and they ask you to tell them about your game or software? Are you prepared to answer this and to sell the idea of your game or software to anyone you meet? This may seem like a difficult task but with the right tools it can be quite easy.

A technique called an ‘elevator pitch‘ is a huge asset to have when you are pitching your game or software to anyone. An elevator pitch can build excitement and get people interested in what you have to offer in a nutshell. Furthermore, when you perfect your pitch, you will be able to sell anyone on the idea behind your game or software.

So what exactly is an elevator pitch? Think of it this way: you are in an elevator and you start chatting with someone. They ask what you do and you have between 30 seconds to 2 minutes (depending on the number of floors you are traveling) to get them interested in concept of your game or software. This is your elevator pitch and having a well-prepared one gives you the opportunity to catch someone’s attention rather than lose it.

An elevator pitch is meant to help you effectively pitch your game or software to publishers, journalists, or anyone you meet. If you are at a convention and a journalists walks up to you and asks what you can tell them about your game, you don’t want to respond with “uhh, well, our game is about uh.. you know…” You need to respond with a confident, quick summary that covers every aspect of your game. And if you succeed, that journalists should be intrigued and able to walk away fully knowing the concept. This is how you get your point across quickly and effectively.

Think about what makes your game interesting or what makes your software different from the rest. You need to be able to tell someone enough about your game or software for them to make a judgment in a short amount of time. The goal of your elevator pitch is to make the right people remember you.

As we mentioned before, you have about thirty seconds to two minutes to say it all. Don’t go into an explanation of your entire backstory. You need to deliver a quick, one-sentence description of the concept and move on.

You need a hook. What makes your game different from the rest of the games in your genre? What makes your software stand out? Identify what makes your game or software unique. Remember, your goal is to make people remember you.

Practice. Like anything else practice makes perfect. Keep in mind that how you say something is just as important as what you say. If you do not practice you run the risk of talking too fast, sounding unnatural or even forgetting important parts of your pitch. Also make sure you are aware of your body language as you talk. You can practice in front of a mirror or in front of staff, colleagues, family or friends until your pitch feels natural and you are comfortable.

Demonstrate that you are someone worth working with and also think of your pitch as an interview. How do you respond to questions? Can you think creatively on your feet? You are not just pitching your game, you are also pitching yourself as someone who is desirable to work with. Sell your game or software first, but don’t forget to sell yourself as well.

An elevator pitch is a precious tool and once you have created it, you can utilize it on your website, in your marketing efforts, and at networking events. We love to hear from you! If you have an elevator pitch already, feel free to share it with us and post it in the comments.


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