Meta Business Suite: What Is It And Why You Should Be Using It

Published by BMT Micro on

If you have Facebook and Instagram for your business, you have probably noticed the shift to Meta Business Suite. Meta Business Suite offers many features to help you manage your business presence and connect with your audience. Although helpful, it can be daunting if you are unfamiliar with social media tools. If you want to make the most out of your Meta Business Suite, here is what you need to know.

What Is Meta Business Suite?

Meta Business Suite is a social media tool created by Meta to help businesses of all sizes. It was designed to replace Facebook Business Suite and allows you to manage your Facebook and Instagram accounts in one place.

Key Features Of Meta Business Suite:

Meta Business Suite offers various features to help you stay on top of your Meta accounts. One of the most helpful features is the Activity tab, which allows you to see activity and notifications across both platforms in one place (including your direct messages!). Meta Business Suite also allows you to cross-post between Facebook and Instagram, which is helpful if you want to share a post or story to both accounts with a single click. It also allows you to create and track ads and even offers templates to quickly create visually appealing content. If you are not ready to post your content, Meta Business Suite lets you schedule posts.

How To Connect Your Profiles To Meta Business Suite:

If you are new to Meta Business Suite, they will have you quickly set up your profile. Once that is done, add your Facebook and Instagram profiles. In your Meta Business Suite, go to the settings tab. Next, you’ll go over to Accounts and select Pages. Click the Add button, where you will choose Add A Page. They will ask you to verify your account, click one final Add Page, and your account will be connected! For your Instagram account, go back to Accounts, select Instagram Account, then Add. A pop-up window will appear, asking you to connect your business account. Click Claim Instagram Account, log in to your account, and complete the process by clicking Authorize.

Why Use Meta Business Suite:

While you can successfully run your Facebook and Instagram without Meta Business Suite, it does help make your job a lot easier. Aside from being able to view your Meta accounts in one place, and the cross-platform accessibility, having your analytics for both platforms in one place can help you see what your audiences are enjoying, and what they are not interacting with. Being able to compare your audience and engagement between Facebook and Instagram helps you learn what content you should be posting on each platform, what audiences follow you, and when you should be cross-posting.

Content creation in Meta is made simple if that is something you do not want to spend much time on, as you can create, schedule, and track your content all in one place. The same goes for ads on Meta Business Suite- Meta will recommend boosted posts or allow you to create and track ads all in one place while helping you find and reach your target audience.

Meta Business Suite sends notifications for high-priority messages or comments, meaning you can quickly get back to customers. If you get a lot of messages or comments, this can be especially helpful in alerting you to the ones that need immediate attention.

Meta Business Suite takes a little time to learn, but overall, it is a user-friendly way to elevate your business’s accounts. Even if you do not solely rely on Meta Business Suite, having it set up can help you monitor your growth, stay on top of messages, create ads, and so much more. Have you tried Meta Business Suite? How has it helped you?

1 Comment

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