The Beginner’s Guide to Blogging for eCommerce

Published by BMT Micro on

Out of the 5 billion daily internet users, 77% read blogs regularly. When done well, blogging can be a great way to connect with your audience and boost your ROI. Having a mix of information or entertainment helps get your audience engaged and coming back for more. If you are not sure where to start, here are some tips on what audiences look for in a blog, and what makes them turn away.

What Audiences Look For:

People often look for blogs related to the industry they are in, or blogs relating to a hobby. You can choose to post these blogs daily, weekly, or even monthly depending on your industry and demand for information. Writing industry-specific information can be a great way to help people who are newer in their careers, or to offer a different perspective to someone who has been in the field for a while. Some people read blog posts on topics they are familiar with to gain a deeper understanding of what the topic might mean to someone else, so even if you think your blog topic is well-known, explain it from your view! Writing about a hobby you have can also help out audiences who are new to it- cooking blogs, gaming blogs, and beauty blogs all have a large following for a reason. Even if you are writing about a niche hobby, there are others out there looking for more information on the topics you are passionate about!

Another reason people read blogs is purely for entertainment. Even if you typically write blogs centered around your company or industry, post a fun blog post once in a while! Adding things like memes, jokes specific to your industry, or your take on a social media trend can make all the difference. Use a light, conversational tone to make your blog easy and fun to read.

Many people read blogs to learn the basics of whatever they are searching for. Lists, step-by-step guides, video tutorials, or a basic breakdown of topics can help your audience learn about the topic at hand quickly and efficiently. If you can explain things clearly, or show them how something works, they are more likely to come back to you for more advice.

Why Audiences Turn Away:

Having a blog post that is too long is one of the most common ways to send your audience running. Food blogs are well-known for having extra information that readers are not there for, sending them to other sites. Try to narrow down your information to what is necessary, elaborating on important to tricky topics. Adding bullet points, videos, or infographics is a helpful way to include information without adding extra fluff. Depending on the topic, you could choose to do a series split into several blog posts to give your audience a deeper grasp of the topic.

Readers want to know what they are reading about, so avoid misleading blog titles. While you want a catchy headline that grabs their attention, make sure it is relevant to the blog post. If you try to draw readers in by promising them information and do not deliver, or write a bunch of unrelated content before you get to the point, they are going to leave without finishing your blog post and lose trust in you.

The best way to create quality blog posts and keep your audience coming back is to give them quality information that they care about without gimmicks or an overwhelming amount of information. Use photos, infographics, videos, or anything else you think will help them understand the topics, and avoid misleading information. Once you get the hang of it, blogging is a fun and easy way to give your audience what they are looking for! Do you have a blog? What are your favorite blogs to read? Let us know in the comments!


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