Getting Started With Your eCommerce Blog

Published by BMT Micro on

When creating a website and building your brand, blogging might not seem like a priority. While blogging is not necessary for success, it is an extremely helpful tool for growing your business and connecting with your audience. Whether you are new to blogging or looking to improve your current blog, here are some reasons to get started and tips to help you reach your goals.

Why Should I Blog?

There are so many reasons to start a blog! One of the biggest reasons to blog is to help drive traffic to your website. Blogging helps you keep your website updated, boosts your SEO, and helps you share useful or fun information. It can also help you build your brand image, and is free. You can also use your blog as content for social media. Sharing your blog on different platforms helps you cross-promote and encourages your audience to follow you on social media.

How To Get Started Blogging:

If you already have a blog set up, great! If not, they are fairly easy to set up. First, find the blogging platform that works best for you. WordPress, SquareSpace, and Wix are popular options that are beginner-friendly. Once that is done, you can start planning.

First, decide what you want to write about and what tone you want to use. You can use a variety of topics, as long as they share a common theme. Popular topics are often industry tips, vendor spotlights, or creative ways to use your products. Make sure that you stick to topics that are of interest to your customers, and stay away from anything that could be controversial or offensive. Business blogs are not a place for voicing your personal opinions, but a space to help your audience learn, grow, and have some fun!

Schedule out how often you want to post your blog and stick to it. If you are going to post frequently, as in daily or multiple times a week, consider making your posts shorter so they do not take away from other tasks you have. If you want to post less frequently, make your posts a little bit longer so that you can include all of the information your audience needs. Typically weekly or monthly posts are best. Even if you keep your daily posts short, your audience is probably not going to log on to read what you have to say every day.

If nobody on your team has a knack for writing, consider finding a freelancer. There are plenty of freelance writers willing and available to help you out with your blog. If you have the need and the funds, this can help free up your time to work on other aspects of your business.

While you are setting up your blog, make sure that it has a clean layout and is easy to read. It should compliment your website, and be easy to scroll through. Give your blogs eye-catching cover photos and bold titles, so your audience knows exactly what they are reading about while they click on each post. When it comes to the title, be creative! The catchier the title is, the more likely your audience will want to read that content.

When you are ready to publish your post, make sure that you optimize the SEO. This helps your audience find your blog, and also helps you expand your audience by boosting you in search results. Adding a title, cover photo, and keywords can help you appear higher in search results.

Blogging is a fun and simple way to draw in potential customers and help educate your audience. With a little effort, you can increase your engagement, traffic, and sales through your blog. Do you currently have a blog? What is your favorite blog to read?


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drift boss · February 26, 2024 at 9:34 pm

WordPress, SquareSpace, and Wix are popular options that are beginner-friendly.

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